Medicine generally encompasses several specialties according to the specific pathologies of each part of the human body. Ophthalmology comes directly into play to deal mainly with the pathology related to the eyes and how they function!
Ophthalmology goes far beyond the description of eye drops and corrective lenses, ophthalmology is a very broad speciality in its own right. It is a branch of medicine that aims to treat ocular anatomy and physiology as well as various visual disorders. Then, in order to treat ophthalmologic pathologies quickly and efficiently, the medical watch of an ophthalmology specialist is necessary, as the eye can reveal a whole range of diseases (hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases...). Thus, to treat various eye pathologies, such as retinopathy, macular hole, glaucoma, myopia, daltonism, astigmatism... the ophthalmology specialist can resort to medical or surgical means. If necessary, he can prescribe glasses and contact lenses.
In general, ophthalmology is a field that brings together all the elements of the visual function related to health and disease, in this case orthoptics, refraction, strabismus, binocular vision, and so on. This profession also requires a variety of knowledge in various specialties: diabetology, traumatology, neurology... The ophthalmologist therefore has a whole arsenal to treat eye diseases. In this case, he can choose treatments according to the cause of the pathology. Among them, we can find the most classical one, which is still used until today, notably eye drops without forgetting glasses and contact lenses. And as ophthalmology has been modernized over time, eye surgery is becoming more commonplace: surgery with lasers or performed by a robot, retinal implantation. Apart from all this, ophthalmology is also relying on cell and gene therapies for visually impaired or blind people.
In order to assess visual acuity, eye mobility, visual field, external structures and fundus examination, an ophthalmological examination is required without hesitation. This type of examination also addresses changes in growth and hygiene practices for each patient, especially if the patient wears contact lenses. Therefore, in order to maintain eye health, it is strongly recommended that you see an ophthalmologist every year for a few eye exams, especially for people whose work can easily strain their eyes or who suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure.