The completion of all stages of orthodontics can take up to 18 months. However, other more complex cases can take up to 3 years. For quality care, 6 steps are essential. Each is associated with a well-defined function that guarantees important effects on the alignment of the teeth.


This crucial contact serves as an observation and monitoring session. This is the first consultation where the orthodontist examines the alignment by taking pictures. He also recommends that an X-ray be taken to check for malpositioning and balance of the teeth. The orthodontic specialist in your town then proposes possible orthodontic treatment plans. Indeed, this first appointment consists of simulating the possible consequences of the treatment. These concern the appropriate solution, the financial estimate, the duration and frequency of the treatment.


After a few days of reflection, this appointment will take place if the patient has decided to opt for the proposed planning. The purpose of the session is to deepen the observations made at the first appointment based on the results of the radiograph. This step of the orthodontic procedure is used to determine the condition of all the supporting tissues that fix the teeth to the jawbone. Indeed, this precision is essential in order to define the type of appliance to be affixed. Once the type of appliance is chosen, the orthodontist makes a final diagnosis and plans the orthodontic treatment. This step will follow a long session to install the orthodontic appliances.


For excellent compatibility, the orthodontist cleans the enamel, then places the metal or transparent implants on the teeth. To ensure optimal results, brackets must be carefully attached. Once the appliances are installed, the specialist will inform you about the hygiene rules to be followed. These instructions must be followed to the letter in order to ensure that your smile is restored. Depending on the case, monthly or even weekly consultations may follow this third step of orthodontics. Analysis of orthodontic accessories and the application of the orthodontic support. Following an estimate of the optimal correction, the orthodontist analyzes and monitors the positioning of the appliances. This is done in order to install the appliance. Once the appliances are installed, the surfaces affected by the appliance are dried out. During this step, observations of the oral cavity are made. Check-ups with a dentist are also recommended. This control is essential to check for cavities, signs of demineralization that could be detrimental to the effects of orthodontics. If these cases arise, practitioners can perform remineralization care. Once the removal of the appliance is completed, the orthodontist puts the brace in place. The installation of the retainer requires maximum attention since it ensures absolute fixity of the appliances in order to guarantee the best possible results. Normally, braces with properly placed retainers do not cause any discomfort to the patient.


Once the braces are removed and agreed upon, the orthodontic specialist takes charge of the patient's follow-up. These are scheduled 30 days after the appliances are placed and every 3 months during the year of treatment. They consist of checking the evolution of the alignment. They are of great importance since unforeseen events can occur and interfere with the positioning of the orthodontic appliance. All treatment steps, including consultation and verification sessions, should not be neglected. If the patient encounters any discomfort or imperfections, he can consult his orthodontist at any time.

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